Próximos eventos
SEPEA en Europe : «Les Journées à Lisbonne»
Société Européenne pour la Psychanalyse de L’Enfant et de L’Adolescent
20 -21 Octobre 2017
Lieu: Ordre des Médecins, Av Gago Coutinho no 151, 1749-084 Lisboa, Portugal
Conference: Sexuality: Contemporary Clinical Paradigms
The Contemporary Freudian Tradition of The British Psychoanalytical Society
18th and 19th May 2018 – Byron House, Shirland Road, London W9 2BT.
Speakers: Donald Campbell, Rachel Chaplin, Rosemary Davies, Gregorio Kohon, Brian O’Neill, Rosine Jozef Perelberg and Jed Sekoff
Friday night clinical seminars led by Jan Abram, Donald Campbell, Anne Harrison, Angela Joyce, Gregorio Kohon, Susan Loden, Rosine Jozef Perelberg and Joan Schacter
Fee: £195 – includes Saturday coffee, lunch and reception
First 30 students and candidates: £140
Clinical seminars: £60
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SEPEA: Journées à Lisbonne: 30 et 31 octobre 2015
«Violence et Destructivité. L’Impact du Trauma en Psychanalyse de L’Enfant et de L’Adolescent»
Florence Guignard – “La violence, ça vient de la peur”
Sesto Passone – “Destructivités adolescentes comme échecs en après coup de traumas infantiles”
+ 4 ateliers cliniques
Société Européenne pour la Psychanalyse de L’Enfant et de L’Adolescent
Lisboa, 21 Octobre, 21:00 – 22 Octobre, 19:30, 2016
Ordre des Médecins, Av. Alm. Gago Coutinho, 151 – 1749-084 Lisboa, Portugal
Plus d’information:
Dr. Gregorio Kohon – «Louise Bourgeois and Franz Kafka – Of Lairs and burrows»*
In this paper, the concept of ‘psychic retreats’ is discussed, challenging the understanding of this notion as exclusively applicable to pathological organiza¬tions of the personality. I refer to the artistic work of Louise Bourgeois and to a short story by Franz Kafka in order to argue that it is only when the rigidity of the subject’s withdrawal is extreme that we can then define a psychic retreat as pathological – the world of the borderline. Nevertheless, there exists an isolate, non-communicative central self in the individual: this is a private self, a secret area of experience which may be at the origin of, or at least associated with human artistic creativity.
Gregorio Kohon is a Clinical Psychologist from Argentina. In 1970, he moved to London. Between 1988 and 1995, he lived in Australia, where together with Valli, his wife, founded and directed The Brisbane Centre for Psychoanalytic Studies. He edited The British School of Psychoanalysis – The Independent Tradition (FAB, 1986), The Dead Mother – The Work of André Green (Routledge, 1999). He published No Lost Certainties to be Recovered (Karnac, 1999) and Love and its Vicissitudes (co-authored with André Green) (Routledge, 2005). His novel Papagayo Rojo, Pata de Palo (Editorial Planeta, Barcelona) was published by Karnac under the title Red Parrot, Wooden Leg (2008). He also published four books of poetry in Spanish. His next book, Reflections on the Aesthetic – Psychoanalysis and the Uncanny will be published in July 2015.
*Conferência em inglês: Sexta, 19 de junho, 2015, às 21:30h, na Ordem dos Médicos (Av. Almirante Gago Coutinho, 151 – 1749-084 Lisboa).
Grupos, em torno duma situação clínica: Sábado, 20 de junho, às 9:30h, no edifício da sede do NPP (Rua Domingos Sequeira, 27, 2º J, Lisboa)
Dr. Donald Campbell – «The Illusion of Safety with a Physically Threatening Patient»*
This paper will focus on the therapist’s search for an illusory safety when a patient represents a threat to the therapist’s physical well being. The nature and function of aggression will be presented as a means of assessing the threat posed by the patient. Clinical material will be used to illustrate the use of the transference and counter-transference to reflect on the therapist’s impulse to enact and to increase their capacity to think and interpret.
Donald Campbell is a past President of the British Psychoanalytical Society and former Secretary General of the International Psychoanalytical Association. He worked for 30 years at the Portman Clinic, a National Health Service outpatient facility that offers assessment and psychoanalytic psychotherapy to violent and delinquent patients and those suffering from a perversion. He has written on the subjects of violence, suicide, child sexual abuse, adolescence and horror films.
*Conferência em inglês: Sexta, 5 de junho, 2015, às 21:30h, na Ordem dos Médicos (Av. Almirante Gago Coutinho, 151 – 1749-084 Lisboa).
Grupos, em torno duma situação clínica: Sábado, 6 de junho, às 9:30h, no edifício da sede do NPP(Rua Domingos Sequeira, 27, 2º J, Lisboa)[/expand]